Go-To Exercises @ Home during Busy Holidays

Looking to sneak in a quick full-body workout at home during all winter break? It can be super tough to get to the gym or a fitness class at this time (family, parties, kid’s home, etc.), so here are a couple of the go-to moves I’ll look to do at home - with no equipment needed - that only take about 10-15 minutes! 2 moves each to target your upper body, lower body, and abs.

Start with some cardio! a minute or 2 of jumping jacks.

Modified jack - no jumping. Standing, alternate each leg out and in while still lifting your hands over your head.

High knees - another minute or two for more cardio.

Modified high knees - no jumping. Standing, alternate raising each knee into your chest while tapping with your hands.

Push-ups; can be on your knees for more support. Slow motion down with control - 8 to 10 reps.

Tricep dips. Finding a sturdy bench or chair (or one you can balance on), slowly dip down so you feel it in your triceps - not just plummeting your butt to the ground. 8 - 10 reps.

Lunges. Make sure it’s controlled and your lunged knee doesn’t go over your toes. 8 - 10 reps each leg.

Leg extensions and/or donkey kicks. Great for the booty! Alternating legs, start at high level (toes point down), and pulse up for 10-15 seconds each leg. Donkey kicks have your pulsing leg bent as if you were pushing your flat foot onto the ceiling.

Bicycle kicks. Opposite elbow to opposite knee (leg straight) - head lifted, and alternate back and forth. 10 counts each side (so count to 20 each time your elbow tabs your knee).

Old fashion sit-ups. You want to keep your feet planted (I try to avoid using something to help them planted so I can really make myself use my abdominal strength to pull me up). Laying on your back, slowly light up using your ab muscles (not your legs or arms), and reach forward (spine straight!). Slowly roll back down - 10- 12 reps.

Go thru again at least 1 more time and there’s your full-body go-to workout you can easily do at your home during this holiday break, Uncle Bob’s house, or even a hotel! Hope it helps :)